Dents de Scie® * is a French-British apparel company founded by two juicy fellows, one from Montpellier, FR and the other from Manchester, UK. 

Dreaming up and materializing imagination is what brings life to Dents de scie®. A real story is taking place and form in the DDS universe, with recurrent symbols as the rabbit, the spiral and the sawtooth logo.
Clothing, capsule collections as well as art objects, editions, serigraphs and multiple originals are materials for Dents de scie® to express its creativity. 

*Dents de Scie® means Sawtooth in english. It is a specific terminology in silkscreen printing and it characterizes an anomaly arising during printing (dented aspect on the edges of a design). Although it can be considered as an imperfection or as a printing error, it is nevertheless a sign of quality and a guarantee of an authentic silkscreen print.

Feel the juice

Dents de Scie® Portal Monster in the DDS universe